Day 23 of 31 Days in August, “The Puzzle” 

Day 23 of 31 Days in August
The Final Hours Collection of the PTSD Poetry Project 2016

Day 3 of 22

The upcoming month of September is National Suicide Awareness Month

The significance of 22 is the average number of veterans who die by suicide each day

Please visit Honor Courage Commitment, inc’s page to learn about the mission and how they are bringing awareness by using the hashtag #22kill and their 22 push-up challenge.

***This Collection’s poems’s subject is suicide and can be triggering to read. Please practice CAUTION BEFORE READING***

“The Puzzle”

The pieces fall together

Each moment

Each spoken word

Are all a clue to what will come

The first sight

Tells so many secrets

How close will this be

To the one moment

After which there will be no more

Downcast eyes

A body drawn in upon itself

The dejected stance

The angry defiance of their words

A gift given

Of seemingly no importance

So many times

The subtle signs are missed

Because there is no interest

In the puzzle of intent

One person shows the pieces

For us to notice

For us to find

Another person hides them all away

Until it is too late

We are each made up of pieces

Waiting to be noticed

Waiting to be seen

Waiting to finally be heard

Before it is our final hour

Each piece of our puzzles

Deserve to be given notice

Deserve to be heard

Before we become merely a body

Found far too late

Treated long after decisions have been made

From which there is no return

The clues are there

Waiting to be discovered

Before our puzzle

Becomes complete

Before our puzzle

Becomes a headstone

of the remembrance

of our final hours


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